Wheel Pants

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The fit between the front and back half of the wheel pants wasn't very good.  We put plastic wrap on the front and mixed up some micro/epoxy for the back half.  After sanding down the interface, it was a very nice fit.  The next step is to paint/fill any pinholes.

After sanding down the surface as smooth as we could, primed with S30 and let dry.  The primer does a great job of filling any pinholes or scratches.  After sanding down the paint, the little scratches you see (to the right) are actually places where the primer has filled an existing scratch in the surface.

The front of the nose wheel fairing originally would not fit over the base of the axel for the wheel.  During initial fit-up, we had to cut a hole in the fiberglass.  To fix this, we decided to move the front of the fairing forward.  The first step was to thin the rear piece and remove the gel coating.

Then we applied long strips of glass and set it up to cure in place.


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Last updated: April 03, 2004.
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