Forward top skin

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Fitting the forward top skin was per the plans.  The skin is oversized (all sides need trimming) so we started with a rough fit.  Place the skin on the ribs, from inside, draw the ribs on the bottom of the skin.  Remove and mark the drill holes and pilot to 3/32".  Replace on the fuselage, align to previous position, and drill using #40 to the fuselage.

On our first attempt, we ended up with a 1/4" space at the firewall/topskin joint.  1 week and $30 later (bought a new skin from Vans), we tried again.  This time, went quicker as we used the old skin holes (on the top only) to drill the new one.

This time, we mad darn sure there wasn't a gap at the firewall/skin joint!

Drilling the top skin means laying on your back and trying to keep the aluminum chips out of your eyes.

This time, it was a good fit all around.  Putting it on is a two-person job as the skin is under quite a bit of tension at the edges.

Starting to look more like a plane.

The rear of the skin is rough cut.  Before we are finished, we probably cut it six or seven more times.

The sides were marked and cut with the wheel.  After cutting, they were straightened with a vixen file.

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Last updated: April 03, 2004.
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