Empenage Wingtips

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The wingtips on the elevators can be simply pop-riveted on.  We wanted to fair in the intersection between the tips and the aluminum skin.  The prevent cracking later, we laid up a single layer of fiberglass on the two pieces.  After this cured, we filled/sanded/filled/etc.

The elevator leading edges have lead counterweights in them for balance.  We filled them with styrofoam and a layer of fiberglass with micro.  After painting, they have to be balanced and this often means drilling out some of the lead.  With this picture, we should be able to figure out where the bolts are and the lead isn't.

The leading edge of the HS caps are also glassed in.

Getting the corners and spacing right takes a lot of filing and sanding.  This is getting pretty close - only a bit more filling and sanding to go.


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Last updated: April 03, 2004.
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